Video Marketing For Beginners
Learn how to get deals, make passive income, and grow your real estate brand with video.
Learn step by step to build a profitable YouTube channel regardless of how much social media experience you have or how "good you are on camera." I started my channel with zero experience and was horrible on camera and have now grown my YouTube channel to a six figure business.
These are the exact strategies I've learned on my YouTube journey as well as what I've learned from Youtube mastermind groups, collaborating, and getting coaching from some of the YouTubers on the planet.
I cover everything you need to know to start your channel, grow your channel, and get real estate leads as well as other streams of income from having your own media company (i.e. YouTube channel).
Not only that but for students who enroll in my program, I will answer any questions you have via email for an entire year. And if you are in the DC area we can grab a coffee or beer as well :).
Your Instructor
Jeff is a real estate investor and real estate broker. He graduated from James Madison University and likes to travel, lift weights, and watching Syracuse basketball. You can also connect with Jeff on Instagram @JeffRLeighton.